Sunday, April 18, 2010

England Part I

So I am bloody awful at keeping up with the blog, but now that Maddie & I am stuck in England for awhile (hopefully not), I thought I would upload a video I have taken of her while we are here. I have loads of pictures, but I do not have the cord to upload them! Both Maddie & I hope to get home soon because we miss Daddy!

The first one is of Maddie in her English jump jump that Nana bought for her (along with the blocks Nana bought).


  1. come to SPAIN!!! :) I miss her already...and you!

  2. She is soooo gorgeous! Mika loved his jumping thing too! (it has a name - I just can't remember it!!!). xxxx

  3. Look at her little legs go! :) Love it! :) Hope to see you both soon!!
